Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Home, sweet home

In the past year, I've probably been on more plane rides than all the plane rides from the previous years of my life all added together. While I was traveling, plane ride days were usually also waiting days, because we'd try to make it to the airport early "just in case," or it just seemed a better option to sleep in a chair at the terminal instead of staying another night in a hostel. Plane ride days were also always exciting for me, for the obvious reason that I was going somewhere new.

This past weekend I was really excited to get on a plane heading to San Jose, not because it was going to be new and different, but because it was old and familiar. And it was home. And it was missed.

I moved to LA in such a blink and have been so busy getting settled with everything that I haven't really even had the time realize how much I missed everyone and everything about home. If you already know me and know how I'm a crier, then you're probably not surprised that I sat and cried tears of happiness at the local DNBs while surrounded by some of my closest friends. (Ummm... Embarrassing!) It's just that I missed them so much! Given, I had extra menstrual hormones running through my body at the time, which only added to my emotions... Nonetheless, I didn't expect to let so many tears fall while sipping on my happy hour cocktails.

I guess going home made me realize that I really did move away. That was what didn't hit me before. I don't regret it at all, and everything has been working out in my favor since I decided to relocate. But visiting home just affirmed the decisions I made and reminded me that it can be difficult to escape the comforts of familiar faces and surroundings.

Things I appreciated about San Jo:
* My Mom + Dad.
* The way my Mom always finds ways to cater her cooking so that no meat is involved, just for me.
* My girlfriends from forever and beyond.
* Good Viet food!
* Driving in un-congested streets.
* Knowing where I was driving (for the most part!)
* Being able to teach yoga at Cindy's studio, seeing my old students and getting to catch up with them =)
* Getting to see my old roomie Alicia! This usually only happens once or twice a year!
* Going to a hella cute and fun wedding!

It was fun while it lasted... Hopefully I'll be back soon!