Monday, August 24, 2009


I haven't had a blog since Xanga was poppin' circa 2003... I've decided to start up again for the following reasons:
1. To create a space for myself to log memories of my upcoming vagabonding adventures.
2. For friends and family, so they can look through this window to watch me as I go.
3. For general inspiration to anyone and everyone who may come across this... to pack up and leave sometime, whenever it is that you decide to make the time.

Since I'm not quite sure where to begin, it's easiest for me to start by not talking about myself, and instead about someone else. This one's for you =)

This is Ana. Don't bother trying to figure out what we're doing in this photo, for it is beyond the capacity of the average passing thought... Ana is the one who’s taken on this current travel adventure with me. It’s worth it to recognize her and how much she means to me. Ana is a free spirit. She believes that the universe conspires to help us achieve our goals. She acts upon making her dreams come true.

When we were in high school, we would pass letters to each other in 0-Period Leadership… Letters about the boys we had crushes on at the time and who we were going to the next dance with. We lent each other dresses to wear to Winter Ball and Homecoming, and sold tickets at the football games. We were always busy painting posters for the rally or planning for the Prom. We had hella school spirit, and it was probably sickening. We were never going to have sex or drink alcohol. If I could show you a photo of us in 2003, it is highly likely that it would include one or more of the following: matching big smiles; class t-shirts; formal dresses and tiaras; being dressed up in spirit of whatever Homecoming theme day it was.

Time passed. We both sought after our college educations that we worked so hard for in high school. Although we were at different universities, we managed to keep in touch here and there. We grew up a bit on our own separate paths. We both studied Business when we probably should have followed our hearts to the Humanities and Social Sciences. But it’s okay… We were lucky to travel and fall in love with idea of living the rest of our lives elsewhere, but somehow ended up at the comforts of home for a bit.

Fast forward to the more recent years… Post-college, we both landed Finance jobs in the Bay. We rescued each other from our corporate American cubicles during lunchtime for a break from trivial office duties. Hand-written letters about boys are replaced by webcam sessions, phone calls, and escapes to each others' space, during which we discuss current love interests and offer empathetic consolations for the tears that come with heartache. We give each other clothes in attempts to clear our own clutter. We revere our Resolutions with the highest hope and intent of changing our lives for the better. We sneak Coronas into the movie theatre. We show each other our latest fashion creations when the sewing machine beckons us for attention… create sweat puddles in hot yoga… find opportunities to run for a good cause… get ticketed for drinking in public while wailing to 98 Degrees’ “Invisible Man”… meet for monthly updates on our progress and how much money we saved for all plans to leave the country… I could go on and on about the good times spent together, and how we supported each other when things weren't so easy. The past 2 years with you have been the best. You’ve helped me to embrace all aspects of life and become a better person.

Maybe I like you so much because we’re so similar… Because we don’t believe we were put on this Earth to work and pay taxes. Because we could care less for job stability and the 9 to 5 when we know nothing in life is guaranteed, change is the only constant, and the world has much more to offer than being paid to slave in front of a computer screen for 40+ hours a week. Perhaps we are idealists, but we both push each other in the healthiest way to accomplish our goals and do what we love. Even though we fluctuate between being completely lost and being absolutely sure of ourselves, I'm confident that someday we’ll figure it all out.

Genuine people like you are hard to come by. I’m lucky to have you. It’s been fun glancing over and watching you grow.

1 comment:

  1. You made me cry in Tokyo!!! I love youuu, Lara. May our travels be full of beauty and growth!
