Thursday, October 15, 2009


I forgot the meaning of TGIF until today. It falls into the same category as the saying, "I hate Mondays," that category being, "Things said by people who work."

This past week, Ana and I had been volunteering in the mornings to teach English classes with another organization. It's run very differently from Isara. The white board fell off of the wall on the first day, and only got fixed because Ming came with us on Thursday and brought a hammer so we could fix it ourselves. In regards to the students, we had to deal with the same language barrier and rehearsed learning patterns as usual. But on top of that, the kids were constantly talking amongst each other, drawing on desks, sharpening pencils and leaving the shavings on the floor, throwing paper airplanes out the 3rd floor window... These kids were heathens! Heathens, I tell you!

Perhaps I'm exaggerating. Not all of the kids were out of control. But every morning this week when we woke up to go, I felt that forgotten pang of dread, like my heart was being pulled down my back. So on Thursday when we found out that they didn't have class on Fridays and that we were actually done with our time there, I was relieved. I felt liberated, like when I was in college and finals were over. I guess that's when you know when you're not enjoying something-- when you're relieved that it's over!

In other news, Ana learned how to ride a bike! Weee! Now we can sneak out in the middle of the night. Just kidding Dad!

The other night, Ana, Ming, and I cooked dinner for the first time. We usually eat out because food is so affordable here. Why make the effort when you can get a full meal for $1? (And when I say "meal," it does not mean a McChicken or anything else on a fast food dollar menu.) We made chicken massaman curry with potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. It lasted us through 2 meals.

Our other new favorite creation is... BANANA CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKES! Ana and I have started the habit of only having fruits and liquids on Sundays. I've wanted to start a regular fasting practice ever since I did the Master Cleanse detox and read up on juice fasting and detoxification. Even though my mom thought I was being anorexic when I stopped eating food for 8 days, I really wasn't. Fasting is a process of natural health and healing for your body. It lets your digestive system rest, allows you to release toxins that have built up in your body, and gives your immune system full sources of energy for necessary healing. It is seen in other animals that they stop eating when they're sick, because it allows for energy to be spent on fighting whatever is wrong with them instead of working to process food. Other benefits to fasting include increased energy and painless periods (for women), both of which I experienced when I took a break from eating food! Believe it or not ladies, pain and cramping and irritability and wanting to cry for no reason is not a natural part of your menstrual cycle! A lot of that is caused by diet-- processed sugars and grains, as well as caffeine. The rest of it has to do with embracing yourself as a beautiful and sexual woman. Lara sounds like a hippie again, I know. But trust me, it works!

Anyway, I got off topic, but this is what happens to bananas when you take too long to make shakes out of them. I didn't know they could get this ripe!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I love chicken massaman curry and so does Pat! You can make us some when you come to visit!?! Your description of the liquid fast makes me want to try it. A prior supervising Psychologist I know did it as well so I know you are not trying to be anorexic. hahahaha
