Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sail away

This past weekend, we went on a sailing trip to the Whitsunday Islands. I don’t think I could be on a boat much longer than we spent this weekend, but all in all, it was pretty fun!

This is the bed that Ana and I had to share:

It's smaller than it looks. I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and realize my surroundings, remembering that I was on a sailboat and that I couldn’t move because Ana was 2 inches away from me.

The crew was fun and we met people from all over on different kinds of travel journeys.

Along our sailing trip, we stopped at Whitehaven Beach, where the white sand looks like milky swirls in blue water from a distance. The sand at Whitehaven is 99% silica—so smoOoOth…

We also stopped at a couple of bays to snorkel. There were lots of fish swimming along these parts of the ancient Great Barrier Reef. We also got to see huge sea turtles (like the ones in Finding Nemo!) swimming alongside of the boat. I was hoping for dolphins, but didn’t get to see any. I did get to see a jellyfish! People jumped out of the water when someone pointed out that they saw one of those swimming by.

(Sinking while trying to take a photo...)

From Whitsunday Sailing

My favorite moments were on our last night spent on the sail boat. We finished our boxed wine, and the clouds cleared to reveal infinite bright stars against the night sky. I laid on the deck and stared at the stars for a really long time, thankful once again for nature’s beauty. Several shooting stars crossed the sky, and I wished every single one of them.

When we finally got back on land, I was thankful to take a shower and use the toilet without feeling like I was going to fall over. But it was cool to experience life on a boat, and be mesmerized by the beauty of the seas.