Thursday, December 31, 2009


New Year’s has to be one of my favorite celebrations, right up there with Christmas and my birthday =) Even though we can start anew at any time we decide to, it always feels like a good time for a fresh start on January 1st.

This NYE celebration was pretty different than my previous 23 celebrations. This year, we camped out in front of the Sydney Harbor Bridge to watch the world-class fireworks show. We got there around noon, and waited there all day so we could have prime seating for the fireworks. For a moment, it was raining. At other times, the sun was beating down like it was punishing us. Luckily, most of the time it was just overcast, and not too hot or too cold. The day was spent taking naps on concrete, eating snacks, reading books + the newspaper, taking pictures, and walking around every once in a while to regain circulation.

There were so many people there! It was completely necessary to camp out for the whole day.

Around 10pm, we started playing made-up card games with stupid rules (ex: lowest card drinks and highest card gets to pick someone to drink). The primary objective was to get a good buzz before the countdown. We also made videos regaling tales of 2010’s most memorable and embarrassing moments, and probably annoyed all of our neighbors while doing so. I didn’t even hear the countdown—just started seeing lots of fireworks!

And there we were—celebrating the beginning of 2010 on the other side of world from where we would usually be, with good friends and in good company. As it should be.

Thank you 2009, and welcome 2010!

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